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The read_datasets() function reads a CSV file containing meteorological data for a specific weather station. The function loads the data into the global environment, allowing analysis and further manipulation.


read_datasets(id_station = NULL, path = NULL)



A string representing the identifier for the desired weather station, if path is not provided. Valid identifiers include: "NH0472", "NH0910", "NH0046", "NH0098", and "NH0437". This parameter is used to construct the path to the CSV file.


An optional string specifying the file path of the CSV file to be read. If provided, id_station is ignored.


A data frame containing the weather station data if the file is successfully read.


This function is designed to work in conjunction with download_datasets(), which downloads and saves the weather station data.

There are three ways to use this function:

  1. Using download_datasets() with the default path: If the file is saved in the default "datasets-raw" folder, you only need to provide the id_station parameter to read the file.

  2. Using a custom path: If you saved the file in a custom folder, provide the complete file path using the path parameter.

  3. Using the return value of download_datasets(): You can store the path returned by download_datasets() in a variable and pass it to read_datasets() via the path parameter.

See also

goatR::download_datasets to download and save weather station datasets.


# Use download_datasets() with default path, then read using id_station
#>  File downloaded successfully to: datasets-raw/NH0472.csv
#> [1] "datasets-raw/NH0472.csv"
data <- read_datasets(id_station = "NH0472")
#>  Data loaded successfully from datasets-raw/NH0472.csv.

# Use a custom path
download_datasets("NH0910", "./custom_folder/NH0910_data.csv")
#>  File downloaded successfully to: ./custom_folder/NH0910_data.csv
#> [1] "./custom_folder/NH0910_data.csv"
data <- read_datasets(path = "./custom_folder/NH0910_data.csv")
#>  Data loaded successfully from ./custom_folder/NH0910_data.csv.

# Store the path from download_datasets() and use it directly in read_datasets()
file_path <- download_datasets("NH0046")
#>  File downloaded successfully to: datasets-raw/NH0046.csv
data <- read_datasets(path = file_path)
#>  Data loaded successfully from datasets-raw/NH0046.csv.